Thursday, March 26, 2009

Iron Man and Spidey

When I asked my nephew which characters he wanted me to draw, he said, not surprisingly, Iron Man and Spiderman. I tried a slightly different approach than used on the Cap and Hulk pictures (done in water color pencils and ink, btw). Instead of laying the color down on the pencils and then inking, I inked it first. Thinking this is a big mistake.

Why did I do this? Well, I thought it would be too difficult to ink the Iron Man armor features. Will not be doing that again. Should just have more confidence in myself I guess.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sketch of The Knight and the Barbarian

I found a whole host of old pencil sketches that I did back. . .well, when I was in my teens. I am not sure if I ever posted any of them but even still, I think some of them are cool.

And as you will quickly tell as I post these old pictures, this was a time in my life where I was not interested in doing any kind of background. Guess that is why I started painting in pastels to take on this challenge.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Captain America

Yes, I know. . .I should stop doing swipes and start doing real drawings. At this point, they are more mental exercises than anything else. Still, this was fun to do.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hulk (after Byrne)

So, I wanted to try and do some comic book type art and play around with watercolor and ink. Who better to swipe than John Byrne?
Hmmm. . .can not seem to get the images in the proper progression, but you get the idea.

After a long hiatus. . .

It sure has been a long, long time since I posted anything here (I changed jobs, moved etc. . .) but wanted to put up a few things that I have worked on during my hiatus.

Unfortunately, I packed my pastels away (and they will be in storage for a while) but have been playing around with water color and ink. I will try to post a few of the experiements and some newer stuff as well.